The Chair of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability "Alejandro E. Grullón E.", sponsored by the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) and Fundación Popular, Inc., will promote respect and strengthening of the Rights of Children in the workplace, in the markets and in the community, thanks to the agreement signed with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).
The Chair will incorporate into its activities content related to the Rights of the Child and Business Principles, with the aim of disseminating academic material and disseminating best practices in business and social forums to contribute to the establishment of a greater number of socially responsible Dominican companies. These principles are applicable to any business activity, regardless of its size, sector, location, ownership or structure, and contain measures so that companies know how to prevent and manage negative impacts on the lives of infants that have been generated by their business activities or those of its suppliers, as well as to maximize the positive impacts.
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