Fundación Popular, Inc. is the entity responsible for the social agenda of Grupo Popular and its subsidiaries and influences the design of economic, social and environmental sustainability policies. It also strengthens other foundations and social organizations in the Dominican Republic, which promote sustainable initiatives in favor of the human, social, economic and environmental growth of the nation.
As a corporate foundation, Fundación Popular acts as guarantor of the rest of the social actions of Grupo Popular and its subsidiaries, through Responsible Social Investment (SRI), as the basis of the Action Model
Ser la fundación corporativa referente en materia de desarrollo humano, abanderando el compromiso como organización socialmente responsable de apoyar el progreso social, económico y medioambiental de la nación dominicana, y siendo líder en la implementación de proyectos transformadores y sostenibles, que permitan aumentar la calidad de vida de los sectores sociales y económicos, y propicien un impacto en el presente y el porvenir de los dominicanos.
Contribute to the development and social and human, economic, institutional and environmental progress of the Dominican nation, through the support and implementation of sustainable and innovative actions, in alliance with national and international development actors, and voluntary collaboration. of the staff of Grupo Popular and its affiliated companies.
The establishment of this hierarchy of values resulted from the individual contribution of each one of the executives and employees of Grupo Popular, and its implementation allows us to establish, as a corporate foundation, the relevance of reputation as a heritage of the Popular brand.
- Integrity.
- Respect.
- Innovation.
- Teamwork.
- Customer satisfaction.
The Popular Model of Sustainable Action
It is the responsible corporate response of Grupo Popular and its subsidiaries that guides business and institutional action, forming an essential part of its institutional culture, based on ethical, social and environmental values and criteria included in the principles of its corporate governance.
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El Gran Cambio
Una historia con futuro