1. Importance of the IPCC
- Importance of climate change science
IPCC and UNFCCC reports.
2. Introduction to the UNFCCC and the climate change negotiations
Structure of the Convention
Kyoto ProtocolParis Agreement (The NDCs and their importance)
3. Climate negotiation within the framework of the UNFCCC
- Climate change negotiations
Negotiating bodies under the UNFCCC
Dealer's Guide
4. Guidelines for a good negotiator
- Bases and fundamentals of the negotiator
Negotiator's tool box
Importance of the Negotiation Strategy
5. Introduction to adaptation, loss and damage, capacity development and ACE
- Adaptation, vulnerability and resilience
6.Roles and responsibilities of the Dominican state in climate matters
- Importance of climate change science
IPCC and UNFCCC reports
7. Introduction to mitigation and Article 6 of the Convention
- Mechanisms (CORSIA, IMO Scheme, NAMAs)
Sectoral approaches (Cement Industries, Steel Industries)
Technological approaches (technological roadmaps)
Market approaches (carbon pricing),
Life cycle schemes (Carbon Footprint), among others.
8. Climate finance
- Importance of climate change science
- IPCC and UNFCCC reports
9. Transparency Framework (MRV/M&E)
- Transparency within the framework of the UNFCCCPGs
Evolution of reporting schemes, progress and road map in the Dom. Rep.
REPORTS: NatComs, BUR, BTRs, others
Technical Expert Review
Facilitative Multilateral, Consideration on Progress
Link between the Global Stocktake and the Enhanced Transparency Framework
10. Other topics of interest (Response Measure, Just Transition, The global stocktake of the Paris Agreement (GST), and Countries Needs Assessment)
- Response Measures, Just Transition, Global Stocktake, and Country Needs Assessments