1. Train professionals in climate negotiations on an interdisciplinary and critical platform with the capacity to effectively influence international negotiations of the UNFCCC and related forums.

2. Expand the technical-diplomatic capacity of Dominicans on multilateral political negotiations, management and channeling of financing sources, as well as national agreements according to the priorities and interests of the country and the region on the impacts of climate change on the impacts of climate change to the country's ecosystems/natural resources.

1. Importance of the IPCC

  • Importance of climate change science
  • IPCC and UNFCCC reports.

2. Introduction to the UNFCCC and the climate change negotiations

  • Structure of the Convention
  • Kyoto ProtocolParis Agreement (The NDCs and their importance)

3. Climate negotiation within the framework of the UNFCCC

  • Climate change negotiations
  • Negotiating bodies under the UNFCCC
  • Dealer's Guide

4. Guidelines for a good negotiator

  • Bases and fundamentals of the negotiator
  • Negotiator's tool box
  • Importance of the Negotiation Strategy

5. Introduction to adaptation, loss and damage, capacity development and ACE

  • Adaptation, vulnerability and resilience

6.Roles and responsibilities of the Dominican state in climate matters

  • Importance of climate change science
  • IPCC and UNFCCC reports

7. Introduction to mitigation and Article 6 of the Convention

  • Mechanisms (CORSIA, IMO Scheme, NAMAs)
  • Sectoral approaches (Cement Industries, Steel Industries)
  • Technological approaches (technological roadmaps)
  • Market approaches (carbon pricing),
  • Life cycle schemes (Carbon Footprint), among others.

8. Climate finance

  • Importance of climate change science
  • IPCC and UNFCCC reports

9. Transparency Framework (MRV/M&E)

  • Transparency within the framework of the UNFCCCPGs
  • Evolution of reporting schemes, progress and road map in the Dom. Rep.
  • REPORTS: NatComs, BUR, BTRs, others
  • Technical Expert Review
  • Facilitative Multilateral, Consideration on Progress
  • Link between the Global Stocktake and the Enhanced Transparency Framework

10. Other topics of interest (Response Measure, Just Transition, The global stocktake of the Paris Agreement (GST), and Countries Needs Assessment)

  • Response Measures, Just Transition, Global Stocktake, and Country Needs Assessments

1. Trading Simulation
2. Priority issues of adaptation and loss and damage under the UNFCCC: adaptation plans, Forum of Namibia -Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA), WIM, Nairobi workplan and REDD+
3.Priority mitigation issues: energy and mines, construction industry, transport sector, and hydrocarbons and REDD+
4.National Priorities for COP27: Negotiation Issues

The Diploma will last 60 hours, distributed in 28 hours of teaching, in hybrid mode and 32 hours in simulations. In the class sessions, topics related to the national and international scope of climate change will be covered, through:

  • Presentations on topics related to the science of climate change, including analysis of the results of the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and the multilateral process of adoption and implementation of the Paris Agreement, and the situation of the Dominican Republic in the face of the phenomenon and defining its interests in such negotiations. In the same way, the background of the international negotiations on climate change and the Convention will be presented, including the process, tactics and priorities of negotiations in favor of the interests defined by this exercise.
  • Analysis of cases and recommended readings.
  • Practical exercises of the theoretical concepts taught during the presentations.
  • Simulated negotiation exercise of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and other related forums of interest to the Dominican Republic.
  • It is the first diploma course that will include a "mock negotiation" based on climate change negotiations.

Scores are based on individual and group student participation, continuous attendance at all sessions, and pre-delivery of inquiry for teachers. The delegates will also be evaluated during the simulations in the preliminaries (the writing of the position paper of the assigned country and the like) in addition to the negotiations themselves, particularly the draft resolutions submitted and the results of the votes. Missing more than three (3) sessions exempts the participant from receiving certification.

To guarantee a comprehensive and interdisciplinary analysis of the subject, the course will have expert facilitators, with extensive professional and academic experience and experience in the different key areas related to it. It will be taught by Dominican negotiators with more than 10 years of experience.

  • Dates: May-September 2022.
  • Duration: 60 hours.
  • Modality: blended.

  • Professionals from different high-impact disciplines in their respective organizations/performance areas.
  • English language proficiency
  • Preferred teamwork skills, self-motivated, analytical skills and writing of technical documents
  • Good capacity for expression and synthesis.

It will be taught through the Center for Technology and Permanent Education (TEP-PUCMM) and the Institute of Diplomatic and Consular Training INESDYC). It will be carried out in partnership with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the Dom. Rep. and the National Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism.