Diploma course on solutions for adaptation and resilience to climate change begins

View Counts (2752) |18 Jun, 2019 | Return|


The Popular Foundation, the National Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism (CNCCMDL) and the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) announced today the start of the Diploma in Solutions for Adaptation to Climate Change and Increased Resilience at the Community Level, whose objective is to provide its participants with the knowledge to study and identify actions that, after their implementation in the communities, reduce their vulnerability to the harmful impacts of climate change.

This is the second training of this nature carried out by the Popular Foundation, the CNCCMDL and the PUCMM within the framework of the “Alejandro E. Grullón E.” Chair of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability. The previous academic initiative dealt with Public Policies and Climate Change.

The Diploma in Solutions for Adaptation to Climate Change and Increased Resilience at the Community Level will be taught by a highly qualified faculty, made up of Laura Rathe, Michella Izzo, Omar Ramírez Tejada, Rafael Berigüete and Solhanlle Bonilla. It will take place from July 5 to September 19, 2019, by the Center for Technology and Permanent Education on the Santo Tomás de Aquino campus of PUCMM, with a total of 72 face-to-face hours and 30 virtual hours.

Essential knowledge for accurate diagnosis

This academic initiative is also sponsored by the Vice Presidency of the Dominican Republic, the Universal Group and the Ramos Group.

Training attendees will be able to identify the causes of vulnerability and risk factors at the community level, and their links to observed and predicted climate changes. They will also be able to provide decision makers, and actors who make community life, the necessary support to make accurate diagnoses, identify solutions and implement effective intervention actions, according to the specific reality of the context of each community.

Officials, professionals and leaders of community groups from institutions such as the Ministries of Agriculture, Economy, Planning and Development (MEPyD), Energy and Mines (MEM), Women, the Presidency, Environment and Natural Resources, Public Works and Communications (MOPC) and Tourism, as well as the Municipalities of the National District, the municipality of Santo Domingo Norte and the Commonwealth of Greater Santo Domingo.

Also, the Emergency Operations Center (COE), the National Statistics Offices (ONE) and Meteorology (ONAMET), the National Housing Institute (INVI), the Dominican Municipal League, the Cabinet for the Coordination of Social Policies of the Vice Presidency of the Republic, the General Directorate of Cadastre and the National Council on Disability (CONADIS).

In addition, the Association of Builders and Housing Developers (ACOPROVI), the Association of Industries of the Dominican Republic (AIRD), Volunteers of the Church of God, Bosque Sagrado, the Dominican Institute for Integral Development (IDDI) and the Dominican College of Engineers, Architects and Surveyors (CODIA), among other institutions.


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