Concludes Specialized Course on Public-Private Partnerships

View Counts (1630) |29 Apr, 2021 | Return|

28 professionals graduate


Santo Domingo, R. D.-

The Chair of Sustainability "Alejandro E. Grullón E.", of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) and the Popular Foundation, and the Center for Technology and Permanent Education (TEP) organized the closing ceremony of the Specialized Course on Alliances Public-Private for Sustainable Development in the Dominican Republic.

The opening words were given by Angye Rincón, director of the Chair, who during her presentation congratulated the graduates and thanked the national and international organizations and teachers who made the academic initiative possible.

For her part, Dr. Iluminada Severino, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, stated: "It is a source of great satisfaction for the Mother and Teacher to successfully complete this course, whose main objective has been to promote the creation of strategic alliances that allow strengthening sustainable development. at an economic, environmental, social and territorial level as proposed by the 2030 Agenda”.

Meanwhile, the engineer José Armando Tavarez, general director of the Center for Technology and Permanent Education (TEP), congratulated all the participants and the team that has intervened, while expressing that it has been an honor to be part of this training during the context that the country lives.

“Through the Chair and the TEP we started this course that today ends successfully with the participation and mobilization of the public and private sectors to strengthen national capacities. This course was carried out in partnership, this is an example that when we join forces things can turn out very well”, stated Elías Dinzey, general manager of Fundación Popular.

While Xavier Hernández, deputy resident representative of the United Nations Development Program in the Dominican Republic, shared: "From UNDP we want to thank the PUCMM, the Popular Foundation through the Sustainability Chair "Alejandro E. Grullón E .” for making us part of this specialized course, we also congratulate the excellent way in which it has been developed and we hope that it will not be the last so that the experience can continue to be replicated”.

Rafael Berigüete, academic coordinator of the training program, indicated: “It has been a long journey, but it has paid off. Having achieved the objective of this course, we call on all our participants and teachers to continue with the efforts, not only to create capacities but to unite wills to relaunch our development agenda”.

On behalf of the graduates of the course, Julissa Báez, executive director of the Dominican Association of Portland Cement Producers (ADOCEM), expressed: “The knowledge we have received has been reflected. We thank each one of the people and identities for this challenge to carry forward by raising it in a solid and complete way. More than giving thanks, let us feel proud to be members of that group of professionals who have decided to take part in generating the capacities that are so necessary to achieve profound changes in our society”.

This Course had the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) of the Dominican Republic, the Universal Group, the Ramos Group and Progresando con Solidaridad (PROSOLI). The act that took place on Thursday, April 29, 2021.

About la Cátedra

La Madre y Maestra and Fundación Popular, Inc., aware of their responsibility towards society and united in their vision and mission of contributing to the moral development, social and human, economic, institutional and environmental progress of the Dominican nation, have established the "Alejandro E. Grullón E." Sustainability Chair.

With this Chair, both institutions formalize a long-term strategic alliance, in order to promote research, the transmission of knowledge and the training of future professionals in areas of knowledge as important as social responsibility and the sustainable development of organizations. .


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