Opens a diplomat in negotiation and climate diplomacy.

View Counts (1020) |06 Jul, 2022 | Return|

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Santo Domingo, R.D.

The Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) and the Popular Foundation, within the framework of the "Alejandro E. Grullón E." Sustainability Chair, the Center for Technology and Permanent Education (TEP-PUCMM), and the Institute of Education in Diplomatic and Consular Training (INESDYC), in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the Dom. Rep., and the National Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism, held the opening ceremony of the "Diplomat in Negotiation and Climate Diplomacy”.

The activity began with the invocation by the reverend father, Dr. Secilio Espinal, rector of the Mother and Teacher, who commented that in the encyclical "Laudato si'" of Pope Francis, it is highlighted that climate change is a global problem with serious environmental, social, economic, distributive and political dimensions, and within it, the Pope affirms that it is one of the main current challenges for humanity.

In turn, Dr. José Rafael Espaillat, rector ambassador of the Institute of Higher Education in Diplomatic and Consular Training (INESDYC), added that "INESDYC endorses the commitment that our country has to negotiate positions and reach minimum consensus on an issue that involves all of us, since we will be one of the most affected countries despite the fact that we are not large emitters of greenhouse gases, when compared to the emissions of developed countries”.

Similarly, Dr. Milagros De Camps, Vice Minister of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, stated that the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, through Law 64-00, has the function of being the national focal point on air pollution and the stewardship on the control of greenhouse gas emissions.

While Mr. Federico Grullón, in charge of the Department of Climate Transparency of the National Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism, expressed that "international climate change negotiations are a challenge for negotiators from developing countries, who they encounter greater limitations for their effective participation”. "This diplomat will allow the country to have experts who with their knowledge contribute to achieving sustainable socioeconomic development, and above all resilient to climate change," Grullón stressed.

Likewise, Elías Dinzey, general manager of the Popular Foundation, stated that, "the diploma course presented includes topics on the interaction between global climate systems, the affectation of ecosystems, environmental protection and the formulation of international policy and its relationship with the national norms, laws and policies, that allow us to guide the efforts of adaptation to climate change and the mitigation of greenhouse gases (GHG)”. Dinzey highlighted that celebrating this diploma is a source of pride for the "Alejandro E. Grullón E." Sustainability Chair, and allows continue materializing the commitment for the country and for the strengthening of its key actors in the fight against climate change and its mitigation”.

This academic program aims to train professionals in climate negotiations on an interdisciplinary and critical platform with the capacity to effectively influence international negotiations of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and related forums. In addition, it seeks to expand the technical-diplomatic capacity of Dominicans on multilateral political negotiations, management and channeling of financing sources, as well as national agreements, according to the priorities and interests of the country and the region, on the impacts of climate change. in the ecosystems and natural resources of the country.

The diplomat course will be taught jointly by the TEP-PUCMM and the INESDYC. It will last 60 hours and will be taught in a hybrid mode. It is the first diploma course that will include a "mock negotiation" based on climate change negotiations


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